Bluetooth File Transfer

Bluetooth File Transfer for Android

Gebruik uw smartphone voor het browsen, verkennen en beheren van bestanden van elke Bluetooth-ontvankelijke applicatie, met gebruik van File Transfer Profile (FTP) en Object Push Profile (OPP): u kunt ook bestanden ontvangen en contacten verzenden! BlueX OBEX HANDLEIDING: (door Absolutely Android) Lees alstublieft voor gebruik de handleiding, bedankt!

Veranderingen: Ready for Android 14 (U).

Minimum eisen: Android 4.4 or above

Besturingssysteem: Android


Bluetooth File Transfer screenshot


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MEDIEVAL FREEWARE LICENSE Version 1.0, 10 May 2007 Preamble This License applies to the computer program which with this license is distributed (now the "Program"). The Program is intellectual property of Medieval Software (Italy) corporation (the "Author") and is placed under the protection of copyright laws, including Italian legislation and international treaties such as the Berne Convention.

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